Friday, November 09, 2007

New Roller Derby League Launching in Oklahoma

Roller Derby in Stillwater

The Central Oklahoma Roller Derby Association is in the process of starting a Roller Derby League with four teams in the Payne County area and they want Oklahoma women that are 18 and older to join up.

Roller derby is an extreme contact sport consisting of two teams skating around a fast track while one team member tries to pass opponents for points. There is already a prominent league in Oklahoma City as well as Tulsa. - OKC Area Roller Derby League

The girls on the four Tornado Alley Roller Girls Teams - Cell Block 9, the Victory Dolls, Homewrecking Harlots and Valkyrie Vixens - range in age from 21 to 48. Each team can field 14 girls at a time. - Tulsa Area Roller Derby League

Wanna Play? - The Tulsa area Roller Derby League has Team Tryouts Scheduled for Thursday November 15, 2007 from 8pm to 10pm at B.A. Roller Sports, 551 West Oakland Place in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma or any Sunday morning 10am to 1pm.

Like to watch? - The Green Country Roller Girls will be sending a few players down south to Dallas, Texas on November 17th, 2007 to compete against the Death Row Rumblers during the Dallas Derby Devils' Give Thanks For Derby event. Visit the DDD website for ticket information.

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